Friday, January 6, 2017

The Doors v. Ed Sullivan: Light My Fire

The Doors played "The Ed Sullivan Show" for the first-and-only-time on Sept 17, 1967.  The story is well-known of how CBS censors asked them to change the line "girl, we couldn't get much higher" to something less-supposedly-offensive.  And they didn't.  One thing that's always bothered me, though, is when the movie "The Doors" came out in 1991, everyone was saying how brave Jim Morrison was for lunging at the camera while saying the real, "higher" lyrics.  He did not!  In fact, a CBS special, "The Best of the Ed Sullivan Show," had just aired in 1990 to huge ratings, and featured the clip in question from 1967... which shows Jim closing his eyes and singing as he always had.  Below is the Oliver Stone/Hollywood version of what happened, followed by the real thing.

Here's Jim Morrison NOT lunging at the camera in 1967...

And for good measure, here's history repeating itself as the Red Hot Chili Peppers run afoul of Krusty the Klown on "The Simpsons."  This episode aired in much of the country on May 13, 1993, but in Chicago and Cleveland, it was pre-empted due to Game 2 of the NBA Semifinals between the Bulls and Cavs.  The Bulls won, obviously.

And finally, a parody of The Doors' performance, as Jimmy Fallon sings the theme for "Reading Rainbow."

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