Thursday, January 10, 2019

What's Wrong with HBO's VINYL?

Martin Scorsese asked me not to post this in 2016, but I just noticed he unfriended me on Facebook.  So all best are off...
I REALLY wanted to like Vinyl, but it challenged my personal beliefs...
We’re supposed to believe it’s 1973? OK. Except for the various pieces of Marantz equipment installed in the office wall that clearly post-date the 1973.
We’re supposed to believe the coked-up record exec (Richie) is going to take his secretary into the bathroom, get his pants off, and then just go back to his desk?
We’re supposed to believe a mob chop shop gets raided and they decide that the drugged out big mouth guy they JUST TOLD ABOUT THE CHOP SHOP doesn’t need to be killed? So they kill some other dude?
We’re supposed to believe Richie has such a weak system that one druggy weekend puts him into another orbit?  To the point he misses a crucial meeting with a German conglomerate?
We’re supposed to believe Alice Cooper wants to waste a whole day taunting some peon over Richie’s long-ago disrespect? Why not just demand to see the boss himself?
We’re supposed to believe that Richie is going to seek out some forgotten blues player because THAT’s what audiences wanted in 1973 (instead of Donny Osmond and Elton John)?
We’re supposed to believe that other weasel exec can hide and (later) dispose of crates and crates of illegitimate teeny bopper albums? What idiot record exec thought THOSE were the ticket to long-term sales (instead of some long-established marquee act)?!
We’re supposed to believe that some lame dummy gets demoted to the mail room and all of a sudden develops a sense of rhythm and an ear (and a conscience) and invents house music? And all the other guys suddenly accept him?
We’re supposed to believe Mick Jagger’s son DIDN’T get into music just to sleep with that one lady exec?
We’re supposed to believe the company is banking on a third-rate New York Dolls ripoff to save them?
We’re supposed to believe Richie suddenly respects his former mistress, and she’s the only successful lady in the biz (according to the show), and he’s going to allow her to come back and turn around the company?
We’re supposed to believe that Ray Romano flips out when he thinks he’s lost a ton of money?  And he doesn’t realize they can just use creative accounting to make up for it?
We’re supposed to believe Richie got close enough to talk to Elvis – and coherently -- IN 1973?!
We’re supposed to believe Richie’s wife is going to leave luxuriousness to crash with a boring artist, and that Richie isn’t too upset about it?
We’re supposed to believe all those lame lip-sync montages where an actor WHO LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE ARTIST IN QUESTION stands around on a fire escape and sings for 4 minutes?!
The only parts I enjoyed were when Ray Romano got annoyed at Elvis’ song selection during the show... and when Richie explains how they ripoff artists.
Oh, and I enjoyed the end credits because I watched the series for free on a flight overseas... so when it ended, that meant I could leave my seat and throw up everywhere and just blame it on airline food.
I got a free blanket!

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