Monday, June 11, 2018

Steely Dan's finest outtakes

Poking around my old links, I found a bunch of Steely Dan outtakes that haven't been officially released.  In fact, the only "officially" released ones I know of were on 1993's "Citizen Steely Dan" boxed set...

FM (No Static at All) 1978 non-album single; won a Grammy for engineering (the first time it was given to a single and not an LP)

Bodhisattva (Live) non-album b-side recorded 1974, but released in 1980, with a drunken, rambling and hilarious intro by roadie Jerome Aniton

Here at the Western World 1976 outtake that was added to 1978's "Greatest Hits"

Everyone's Gone to the Movies 1971 studio demo (featuring Flo & Eddie) of a song that was eventually re-recorded for 1975's "Katy Lied"

And the box didn't even include their first single (which was briefly released, then withdrawn), Dallas/Sail the Waterway... the best way to get that on vinyl is the British "Plus 4" EP from 1977.

Here's some others that are unreleased, starting with my favorite:

Oh Wow, It's You Again piano demo from 1971 or so

The Second Arrangement apparently slated for "Gaucho," the multitrack tape was accidentally erased and they could never re-record it properly (I believe this is a rough mix of the lost version)

Kid Charlemagne backing track to the classic title cut from 1976's "The Royal Scam"

More Gaucho outtakes...
Kind Spirit

Kulee Baba

The Bear

Were You Blind That Day

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